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Public events

Don’t Miss Out

Are you a fan of Max Litchfield? I know you are!
Follow my schedule and come on down to my next competition. I’ll save a seat for you! Make sure you don’t miss out on any of the action by checking out what other events I have coming up and making your own appearance. I know you’ll have a great time!

European Championships

Event: 2-12th August
Aquatics: 3rd-9th August

The European Championships run from the 2nd to the 12th of August 2018 including 6 sports (Cycling, Rowing, Aquatics, Gymnastics, Athletics and Golf).
The aquatics run from the 3rd to the 9th of August and I will be competing on the 5th and the 9th.


Bolton Swim Skills


On the Swim Skills Individual Medley course in Bolton, swimmers will be shown the key points on all four strokes including start and medley turns by top GB coaches.

You will be joined by myself demonstrating some drills and skills, giving a talk about my career at lunchtime and maybe giving you some of my tips and tactics throughout the sessions aswell. 


To book a space on the course with me and a GB Coach, please click on the picture for the link to the SwimSkills website!

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Swimarathon for Charity


I am being joined by Maya, Brad and Tim Westlake, Grace Wilson and Henry Cutts in a team of six to do a continuous relay for an hour in a bid to raise money for two charities.

To donate, please click on the picture.. every little helps!  

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Opening of Minsthorpe Swimming Pool


On the 15th of March 2018, I helped open the new Minsthorpe Leisure Centre. It is a great facility, full of new and exciting things so get yourselves down there and check it out!

Events: Schedule
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